About Us

Welcome to Imagination Express where southern charm meets online convenience! Born and raised in the picturesque coastal town of Panama City, Florida, I've always had a passion for connecting with people and retail seemed a good fit to help make that happen. With a lifelong journey through many of the facets of the world of retail, I've gathered insights, laughter, and countless stories, while trying to gain a clear understanding of what customers truly seek. This naturally led me to e-commerce, and I couldn't be more excited to extend my warmest welcome to you. (As the "thank you" in the above paragraph was received by the customer, because of the amazing technology involved within the imagination as well as in the cyber world itself, John was able to reach out to the customer and give a heartfelt and meaningful handshake which was well received and good for them both. And at that very moment, a mutual appreciation was born. So, he took that as an opportunity to say that as you wander through the digital aisles of Imagination Express take your time and let the spirit of Panama City's hospitality accompany you. Here's to creating a shopping experience that's as unforgettable as a Florida sunset. and so it was that the relationship would flourish, and all would live happily ever after. The End. JWM